Do all Nikon lenses fit on any Nikon dslr?

Do all Nikon lenses fit on any Nikon dslr?

Hi Not all but most of the older lenses with same three lug bayonet mount will
fit but for older lenses more options are lost no auto focus and things like that

Yes they all have the same fitting but with some of the older lenses you have to manually focus them.
KD - Nikon D70 and love it.

Pre-AI lenses have to be modified to fit, no lens that protrudes into the body will.
AI and AIS lenses (manual focus) fit all Nikon DSLRs, but won't meter on the D3000/D5000 series - of course, you'll lose autofocus on ANY model if you use these lenses.
AF lenses meter with the D3000/D50000 series, but won't autofocus.
AF-S (and third-party motorised lenses) allow metering and autofocus with ANY DSLR body.
(In contrast, any Pentax lens made since 1975 (K-bayonet) will fit (and give at least Av and M metering) on any Pentax DSLR body. M42 lenses fit and give Av and M modes with a glassless adapter.)

Not quite.
Nikon F lenses (pre AI) will only fit onto the cheapest SLRs that don't have an aperture coupling lug (D3200, D5100, etc).
Protruding lenses that require a mirror lockup will not work because no modern DSLRs have a mechanical lockup (they are just for cleaning or release the mirror after the photo is taken).
AI and AF lenses will fit on anything, but with reduced capabilities depending on the type of camera (no matrix metering, no AF, stop down metering required, no automatic exposure or Aperture Priority only, etc).

There's a really useful chart a little way down this page;
which tells you which Nikon lenses fit which models (& whether metering/autofocus is maintained).

Technically that is. Nikon has changed its mount eons ago so the chances of you finding that old one is low. All Nikon F-mount lenses will fit modern Nikon cameras but the problem is compatibility especially with autofocus. You will want to look at this link for reference.

Yes and no it's not straighforward.
Physically, AI, AI-S, AI-P, AF, AF-I, and AF-S lenses in FX and DX lenses use the same dimensions. So they'll fit on all Nikon SLR cameras from the very first F to the latest DSLR cameras. Unmodified Pre-AI lenses have a slight difference in the lens mount meaning they can only fit on early Pre-AI bodies (i.e. F, F2, F3, F4, FE, FM, and Nikkormat F). Pre-AI lenses also fit on the D40/60/3000/3100/3200/5000/5100/5200, but these lenses don't meter.
As you can see just because a lens fits doesn't mean it will work. So the following applies:
D1/2/3/4 series, 200/300/S/600/700/800/E/7000/7100: AI/AI-S/AI-P meter, AF/AF-I/AF-S meter+AF
D50/D70/S/D80/D90/D100: AI/AI-S no-meter, AI-P meter AF/AF-I/AF-S, meter+AF
D40/X/D60/D3000/3100/3200/5000/5100/52… AI/AI-S no meter, AI-P/AF meter+no AF, AF-I/AF-S meter+AF