Nikon SLR Cameras

Cheap scope on a.17HMR?


I just bought A Cheap $200 Savage.17 just to do some plinking/ cheap <100 yard practice with. I need a scope and i really don't want to spend much more than $130 on a scope. I will not be hunting with this rifle. (that's reserved for my.308 with a nikon scope) so the scope won't be banged around just range use with a.17 rimfire. I would never put a cheap scope on any rifle that has strong recoil. I saw this scope @ sportsman guide It got good reviews and a good price, The 10-40X might be a little much for what i need but i could survive. Opinions anyone?

Droptine s
Droptine s

That's not really a cheap gun to plink with when shells are around 15 clams for 50 get a 3-9 or 2-10


A 10x minimum scope? That's borderline useless, for any purpose.

More telling, this particular scope sells for about $120. For a 10-40x. That leads me to believe that it is utter junk. Get a 2-7x Bushnell and be done with it. That scope will do everything you need, especially for shots of less than 100 yards.

And if you think $200 is cheap for a gun, I wish I had your budget.



If plinking is what you are going to do then get a Tasco 4X and be done with it.

Why would anyone want a cheap scope? Inexpensive scope = poor performance.


Just shell out $150 on a 3×9 Nikon rimfire scope. I picked up a 4× Nikon for $ scopes I have had no luck with in the $40 to $80 range


I hope you live near me.
After you put a cheap scope on that rifle and can't hit anything with it you will blame the rifle and sell it cheap.
Then someone who knows better will buy it, put a good scope on it and have a good rifle for next to nothing.
Better to put a $1000 scope on a $100 rifle than a $100 scope on a $1000 rifle.