Nikon SLR Cameras

Are all Anti-reflecton coating the same?


Hi, I was wondering if all anti-reflection coating are all the same or some work better then other ( Got higher light transmission? )


Some are better than others and some are Way better than others.

Light transmission alone isn't the measure of a good anti reflection coating though. Almost all are at 99.8 % transmission while Essilor coatings are all proud of theirs being 92.4 % for the majority of their coatings and 99.4% for the newest premium coatings.

The ability of the treatment to eliminate reflections and be easy to clean and KEEP clean are important factors.

Some brands have excellent hydrophobic coatings added to repel water and other layers to repel dirt and oils without smearing. Some do that much better than others. Top of the line AR coatings are actually made of up to 18 microthin layers.

Some of the big labs have developed their own AR coatings, like the lab I deal with. They have AR coatings that are better or as good as anything Essilor or Nikon offer at a lot cheaper price. So you can't really go just by brand names.

Most premium AR treatments are good. The only ones I don't like are the Essilor coatings, they are too hard to clean and smudge easy, even though in their massive advertising they convince the public they are the best in the world.