A decent priced PROFESSIONAL camera?

I'm looming for a professional camera to buy. I want to take actual professional pictures with it. I'm trying to stay anywhere up to &1250 if possible. (my mom got one for $1000) so I know it's possible. I prefer nikon over canon but it's whatever you suggest. I'm looking to buy at best buy but if I'm open to elsewhere. If you could give me a suggestion I'd really appreciate it!

Bestbuy has some good bundle deals going on right now.
I just got a good bundle deal yesterday that is lasting until the 25th:
-Nikon D3100
-18-55mm lens
-55-200mm lens
-Some kind of camera bag
-16GB memory card
For only $750!

"I'm trying to stay anywhere up to &1250 if possible. (my mom got one for $1000) so I know it's possible" Sorry Hate to Bust your bubble because for $1000 to $1250 doesn't even comes close the amount is needed for a "Professional Camera" which your budget would be able to purchase Entry Level DSLR. Also Best Buy Doesn't Sell "Professional Cameras"
Do you have any idea on what a "Professional Camera" actually cost? Try a minimum of about $4000 that's just for the "Body" itself which doesn't even include "Lenses". That means that you would have to thinking about getting multiple Lenses to go along with the "Body" Also you would have to consider on Accessories such as
Camera Bag
Lens Cleaning Kit
Micro Fiber Cloth
Extra Batteries, Memory Cards
Battery Grip
External Flash
With Everything you could easily be spending Well Over $7000 for a Professional Camera which Your budget of about $1250 doesn't even comes close to the amount is needed for a Professional Camera.
By The Way: Camera is just a tool which in the correct hands a person can walk away with "Professional Pictures" which can be obtained with any type of camera. However a camera in the wrong hands won't be able to produce those "Professional Pictures"

The professional part is in the photographer and not in the tool used. $1000 will get you a nice entry level dSLR. An entry level camera will get you started in learning the craft. You can check the prices at the big box stores, and also at B&H Photo and Adorama. You should find a Nikon or two with the kit lens in your price range. Have fun and happy shooting!