Nikon SLR Cameras

What kind of camera?


I'm getting started in photography school/classes and in making my own small business out of it. But I need opinions and advice on what kind of camera would be best/ recommended for this type of career/ industry?! Thanks in advance!

The only two brands I like is Canon and Nikon.

In A Moment
In A Moment

I'm a Canon guy. You can look at my work at


A) You're "getting started" in photography school and yet you are considering making a "business". You can't even walk yet and you're trying to run.

b) You don't know what kind of camera to use, yet you are considering making a "business" - yet you don't say what kind of "business". Portrait? Sports? Landscape? Wedding? Corporate? Reportage? The field you go into will determine what kind of gear you use.

c) You refuse to consider anything other than Canon and Nikon. (Perhaps this means you couldn't even name another camera maker).

These three points all scream "I have no idea what I'm talking about". I could tell you to get a Holga, a Phase One back or a 4x5 view camera and you wouldn't know what I meant. You are years and years away from even considering a "business", unless you mean charging ten bucks for rubbish shots on Facebook or Instagram.

Steve P
Steve P

Mark's answer deserves an award. You should print it out and pin it up on your wall.


So, you've answered your own question! Buy a Canon or Nikon if they are the brands you like.
I prefer Canon but Nikon are as good and also very popular.
By the way, if you are just starting in photography, it will be many YEARS before you can start to earn money from it. You can't just buy a camera and start selling photos; you have to build up a portfolio and try to get people to commission you.

Eric Lefebvre
Eric Lefebvre

"I'm getting started in photography school/classes and in making my own small business out of it"
Talk about putting the carriage in front of the horses…

So you haven't even finished your courses yet, heck you don't even appear to have any gear at all yet, but feel that you are ready to start a business? Hell, you don;t even understand why your question about brands is a pointless question!

Put the business plans aside and learn your craft first.