Nikon SLR Cameras

What do these camera/dslr terms mean?

Miguel O
Miguel O

I'm shopping for an adapter that will mount my Nikon lenses to my af 100 camera,
I keep reading in the reviews of "alot of play" and "leaking" defining the bad adapters.
What exactly does that mean?


Have you checked with Panasonic to see what adapters they have available for you AF 100?

Cheap adapters can exhibit poor connection and make the lens wiggle a little. Leaking would refer to light coming through the poor connection of the adapter to the lens and camera.

For this reason, it is important that you buy only recommended adapters


I just spent some time looking at the Panasonic AF-100 and it is a rather amazing video camera.

Under the description, it seems that it is designed specifically for using Panasonic and other 4/3rd lenses