Nikon SLR Cameras

Slr camera help experts please?


We have a nikon slr camera now I want to be pro. Now what settings did they use in model pictorial. Plus thr image is brighten when focused not even the subject but also the background is smooth and brighten. How did they do that?


First you need to learn how to use the light meter on your camera, just like the pros do.

To shoot images where the images appear to be in focus from foreground to background is simply the use of basic photographic skills, skills you can learn if you take a class or two in photography.

Becoming a pro always includes some formal training so you understand the fundamentals of photography and many more years of working as an assistant staff photographer or as an assistant to a working pro.

While you have an excellent camera and probably some lenses, you can't buy skills and experience. That has to be learned and earned.

Jim A
Jim A

You want to go "pro"? With zero professional experience, zero working time as a photographer dealing with clients, the business and editing photos so they are presentable to clients who will pay for them?

That makes no sense.

Get into an accredited photography course. Learn how to operate the camera and lenses you have before even considering asking anyone to pay for your work.

David is correct, you've got to learn and earn photo skills. Just because you can point a camera doesn't mean by any stretch you can just walk into professional photography.

Collectively David, a friend by the way, and I have been at this for more than 50-years and we're still struggling just to keep up with photography.