Nikon D5200 camera flash makes pictures look white?

So I just got a Nikon D5200 camera, and whenever I want to take a close picture of my face or something, even far away. The flash makes the picture look too white? How can I adjust the settings for the flash?

Point the flash to the ceiling if you have a separate flash. Don't try and use the one attached to the camera. It is meant as a fill-in flash, not a main flash, mainly for outdoor use.

"whenever I want to take a close picture"
Then don't take close pictures. On-camera flash isn't meant to be used up close. The minimum distance is usually something like five feet. You may be able to set the flash strength lower while increasing your shutter speed and lowering sensitivity, so your flashlit face is better balanced against your background. This will require some trial and error.
Set the camera further away (so the flash isn't as intense), and you can use a longer focal length along with a tripod to get better results. No new equipment needed if you already have a tripod and suitable lens.
If you insist on having your camera close up, you will need other sources of light. There are plenty of external lighting options, from speedlights that can be triggered using Nikon's own "wireless flash" system, to monolights that can be connected to your camera, to high wattage lamps.

Is it brand new, or previously used?
Are you using the camera's flash or an external unit?
Is it a TTL flash, or a cheap third party flash with no electronic communication to the camera?
By default I would expect the TTL adjustment to get the exposure pretty close to correct, even if the camera is pretty close. If the TTL has been deselected in the menu, and it is set to full power, it probably would overexpose close up.
At greater distance the exposure should get closer to correct.
A wide aperture or a high ISO setting would increase the range, or it would increase the overexposure close up.

A white image shows you are grossly over exposing your images
You need to spend more time reading your user manual.
If your lens is in focus all you need to do is reduce the lens aperture to bring your exposure under control

Onboard pop-up flashed are pretty useless objects except for fill in.
Get a hot shoe mounted flash that you can bounce.
To make the best of a poor job:
Set the white balance to flash
Under expose by around 1 stop
Up the colour saturation
Put a LIGHTLY tinted orange transparent film over the flash