Nikon SLR Cameras

Found a great deal on amazon, is it a scam?


From what I know, amazon seems pretty safe, I buy almost all my things from amazon. Is it possible to be scammed on amazon? There's a camera lens that I want to buy.

This usually goes for about 900 dollars used with the lens having a 6/10 shape, or missing parts
For a very good used lens, it usually goes for about 1100-1400
This guy is selling the lens Brand New with everything for 900 dollars to me. I have been waiting on a deal like this for over a year. Do you think I should?

Here is the listing. It says that it is being sold for 760 dollars, but when I contacted him, he said that it was a promotion, and the actual price he is selling is for 1200 dollars. He said that he will sell it to me for 900 since I told him that I was a student.

Added (1). He does offer a 29 day return policy, a full refund. I'm not sure if that will mean anything.

Added (2). I contacted him and he has a Gmail account. He asked me for my Full name and address so that he could contact amazon?

Added (3). I contacted him and he has a Gmail account. He asked me for my Full name and address so that he could contact amazon?


Amazon will only take and give him 760$, if he asks for more, file an amazon complaint


I think it's not scam, the price 900$ for this product is for the used product, right? If it is, it sounds reasonable.