Nikon SLR Cameras

Lens badly packed - should I seek to return?


I bought a Nikon 35mm f1.8g lens from a reputable camera store. The lens was new - so it came in its original box. However, there was nothing else to protect it. The seller just placed it in the small parcel - no protection like bubblewrap or plastic popcorn whatsoever. Could this have caused damage to the lens. I have tried it and it seems to work okay, but I can't tell if something hasn't been shaken up inside?

Added (1). I should say the box has been damages slightly - there's a hole in it.


Let the supplier know your concerns. Explain that the lens seems OK but you are warning them in case problems arise later


If "it seems to work OK" then it's unlikely to be damaged. If the lens is new, you will have a warranty.

If there was something "shaken up inside" it wouldn't be working.

If you are still not happy, contact the seller.

Steve P
Steve P

If the lens works, … It works. However, I would certainly not purchase anything from them again, and as said in the other answer, I would contact them letting them know of your dis-satisfaction with their shipping procedures. I'm betting you will never get a response from them. I can promise you, a TRULY "reputable" camera store such as B-H or Adorama would NEVER ship in such a manner.