Nikon SLR Cameras

I'm an amateur photographer, what should I take pictures of?


I live in a very boring small town and have an SLR Nikon camera. I want to take pictures but I don't know what of!


What ever you enjoy doing in your life. I feel like the best pictures always come from something that you actually enjoy doing in your daily life.


If their is any forests bush land or animals try that people love seeing nature or some thing colourful to catch peoples intrest


Ask random people if you could take a picture of them.


Humans can be a subject to take pictures of, they are in plenty and every one likes to be clicked.

HUMAN and their emotions.


Take pictures of nature (safe nature of course), planes, people (with permission(, candid shots (no posing).

Harry Potter
Harry Potter

That's a bit of a harsh 'statement'…'judgement' on your 'home town'?

I would never call a place 'boring'… You might just be too familiar with the 'territory' and take it for granted.

There's a quote by 'Confucius' that I find very true…'Everything has it's beauty, not everyone sees it'…

I'd personally embark on a 'project' to promote the most important and interesting things about my 'home territory'… You never know it might just surprise you.


Type in photography in Google and get inspired by what other people have taken photos off,
Walk round your house and find every day objects and take photos of them in different angles and pick out which is your favorite
Go out on a walk somewhere with the nature, and take photos of everything
Get some family members/pets and take photos of them
Theirs so many different things you can take photos off, its practically everything and anything


What do you like looking at? Animals? Plants? Entires scenes? People? What style do you like; candid shots of people, portrait, macro, minimalist, natural, heavily edited? Just go for a walk around and photograph the things you find beautiful. Look at things from a different perspective, find tiny flowers, find huge trees, find shadows, find reflections, find interesting people, find interesting scenes. The possibilities are endless, you just need imagination.


Boring small towns are only boring if you don't open your eyes and look.

I'm sure there are plenty of interesting people to photograph.