How to become a successful youtuber

I've always wanted to make youtube videos, it has been my dream, i'm finally going to go for it.
I have a camera (a dslr nikon)
any tips?
how to make an intro?
how to edit videos?
all that fancy stuff… Help!
Added (1). Well one of em, you know what i mean. It just seems so fun to me

Lmao that's your dream? But anyways just have an interesting topic and an outgoing/funny personality and you should get views

One of the best ways to get famous on YouTube is to be creative and funny without being mean to people. And the only to do that is to embarrass yourself.
Look at JennaMarbles for a second. The video that launched her YouTube career, how to trick people into thinking you're good looking, don't you think she looks back on it and is completely and utterly embarrassed? Smosh? They embarrass themselves for the sake of popularity.