Nikon SLR Cameras

Need opinion on upgrading cameras?


I currently have the Nikon D3000. I'm becoming more interested in photography and am looking to upgrade to a better camera. What camera to do think I should get? Preferably Nikon, so I can use my lenses.


I have a Nikon D5100 and it has a lot of really nice options and features!


Get the Nikon D3100, D3200, D5100, or the D5200.
If you have a lot of money get the Nikon D7000 or the D7100.
The lenses you have on your D3000 will work fine on all of the cameras I mentioned.
Nikon make great cameras. Stay clear of Canon!
It may just have been bad luck,
but I had 4 babied Canon cameras just die out of the blue.
I switched to Nikon and I'm problem free.
You also do not need the best camera out there to get great pictures.
I have seen people with just little point and shoot cameras get really good pictures.
I have also seen people with $5k get trash photos.
Having a good camera will not make you a good photographer.
It takes a lot of time to get good.
I just got a speedlight and it is taking me a wile to figure it out.
You may also want to get some good lenses.
It has been proven that a good camera with a cheap lens will take bad pictures.
Have fun with photography.

I do a lot of photography tutorials. Check them out!

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In what way do you find your D3000 deficient? Are reaction times too slow? Do you think that more megapixels will somehow give you better pictures? (They won't!) Do you need better low-ISO capabilities? Is the low resolution LCD limiting?

Without knowing why you want to upgrade it is hard to make a recommendation. If you just vaguely feel that it's about time for an upgrade then you probably don't need one.