Nikon SLR Cameras

My lens won't autofocus anymore?


I have a 50mm 1.8G on my Nikon D7000, it used tl AF without issues and now all of a sudden it stopped, I slightly press the button and it doesn't do anything… Manual focus works right whatsoever.

Don S
Don S

Stupid question first. Is the AF switch turned on?


Did you turn the switch from AF to MF? If the switch is set to AF, then have you been turning the focus ring while it's set to AF? If you have, then you probably ruined the autofocus capability of the lens. They really need to put a stronger warning on these lenses.

George Y
George Y

As you have a Nikon D7000, you have two possible causes.

1. Check to see if the MA/M autofocus switch is set to MA on the lens itself.
2. On the lower right side of the lens mount of the camera (front), look for a AF/M switch. Be sure it's set for AF.

If both switches are in the correct place, you'll have autofocus.

BTW, both switches are easy to move accidently, so don't feel badly. We've all done it!