Nikon SLR Cameras

Looking name of a famous street photographer?


Looking for a name of a street photographer recently had watched a youtube video about via a facebook link about street photography by a big name in streetphotograhy who talk about what he thinks of street shooting, unfortunately i can't recall who he was nor can findout the video i watched. Things i remember were now he's in his 70s also he studied in havard some point in his life. Also he uses a Nikon D3(not sure is a d3s or d3x) with 28-300mm lens or 35-300mm(not sure). Would like to know who he is and hopefully can find back the video i watched.


Do you mean Jay Maisel?


Yep, that sounds very much like Jay Maisel. He's not a street shooter in the sense that Cartier-Bresson was; he's a former advertising photographer, but he shoots a lot of street-style stuff. (And, not that it's important, but it was Yale, not Harvard).

Enter his name on youtube and/or look at his website. There are quite a few interviews and video clips on it. And check out his galleries and portfolios - he is a fantastic photographer, one of the best out there.


Lee Friedlander?