Nikon SLR Cameras

How to set my Nikon D3200 so it will take good motion shots?


I would like to take photo's of people out in the surf, riding bikes and running. I'm struggling to find a good set up.


I'm sure you would have figured this out eventually, even if you had to do some tests

Shoot at shutter speeds of 1/500th second for faster




You need a fast shutter speed like 1/500 or above, but there may not always be enough light for that, so you might have to bump up the ISO on a dark day. You will probably also need to set your autofocus onto AF-C for continuous autofocus to keep a fast moving subject in focus. Also try setting to a single focus point so that the camera is only trying to focus on the subject and not all of the other waves or bikes around the main subject.

But it isn't just a question of setting the camera up properly. The other thing you need to know is how and when to pan. The thing is, with a fast-moving subject, you may need to move your camera to keep the subject centered and in focus. (You can experiment with focus points to move them off center when you have mastered panning). You need to smoothly move the camera along with the subject to keep them frozen. The background will blur, but that's part of the effect.

There are several camera panning technique tutorials on youtube - for example


The faster the shutter speed, the less blur your subject will have when you take a motion shot.

And you will have to perfect a technique called "panning" which basically is like tracking the subject with a gun so that will also minimize blur.

And finally a faster lens may be required if you can't get the shutter speed high enough.