Any good macro lenses for Nikon d3100?
I have two lenses right now, a 55 - 200 mm one
and a 18 - 55 mm WHICH was the one it came with.
I'm wanting to take macros, of insects.
Very very close up, if possible.
I'm mostly interested in spiders, here's an image &w=700&h=456&ei=-72UULu8IKaOiALVvICYCw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=984&vpy=270&dur=752&hovh=178&hovw=274&tx=134&ty=61&sig=102194690208569614782&page=2&tbnh=146&tbnw=231&start=27&ndsp=35&ved=1t:429, r:18, s:20, i:187 of how close I would LOVE to take a photo. But I'm flexable so if there isn't any like that, I will go for the next best thing.
So do they sell any good ones (here in Canada?) Thanks! Have a great day.
You can Google this and check it out, but this particular one is for the really close macros.
Raynox DCR 250 Macro Conversion lens
You can get a lower magnification, and their adapter rings will fit nearly any camera.
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