Nikon SLR Cameras

Eyeglasses with or without the astigmatism?


1. I have astigmatism in my eyes. I have this idea, less is more. If the eyeglasses correct it, it may make the astigmatism worse in the future.

one of the lens of my old glasses had none for correction, so far, my eyes are not worsening.

so i'm wondering, if i should get a pair of eyeglasses which both lenses correct my astigmatism? One of the eyes has the astigmastism axis 7, does that mean it can be ignored?

2. The doctor used nikon speedy k machine to check for my prescription. The result was printed out instantly. I wonder if those machines are very accurate in these days?


You really don't understand a lot about your lenses or your prescription.

If you have astigmatism, it is just a part of the prescription that is needed to give you the best vision. If you don't use the astigmatism correction, you just won't be seeing as well as you should be.

Correcting it does not make it worse, that is plain nonsense.

The axis of 7 simply tells us that your astigmatism correction needs to be placed at 7 degrees in the lenses. It is a direction, not a power. It doesn't give us any idea how much astigmatism you have.

Surely your complete eye exam wasn't just with the auto refractor. If so, I would find another Dr.