I want a cheap tablet to use for my nikon d5100?
My buget is £60 and i would like to use the tablet to edit pictures while i'm out taking pictures so i dot have to go home and do it on my pc
I'm not sure what tablet you should get for this, but you should probably make sure you can find a suitable app for editing photos for whatever OS the tablet runs (E.G. Android).
Take your time Jordan, in theory it sounds 'practical', though within the restraints of your budget I wouldn't even consider it, I personally bought a laptop for 'editing' when out and about and have never used it, the software alone that I edit with costs more than £60 - it depends on what 'results' you expect, and for your money you might not have enough 'grunt' in your tablet to 'edit' anyway.
Sometimes the saying "if you are going to do something… Do it right" applies, and in this case it does.
I would only consider an iPad for what your thinking about - and even then the laptop gives you much more for your money.