Camera offer too good to be true?

I just listed my Nikon D5100 online for $650 and am recieving offers that sound really similar and too good to be true. The guy is willing to pay $650 and is offering 200 dollars for the bag (which is ridiculous since my bag is wort 50 dollars used) but is persistent on doing it through paypal. Now I'm not losing money in this scenario but i feel like this is suspicios. Both offers i received talk about the customer being abroad and wanting to pay through paypal. Also, I'm not sure how they even found my add since Kijjiji works through location based searches and they guy said he's in kansas. Not sure why he can't look for the same camera in his local area:/

Sounds like he wants access to your PayPal account, don't do it.

Shanna… One important lesson to be learned. If it sounds too good to be true it is… Don't!

Paypal has a good reputation in handling transactions on the internet. There's no way anyone can get any of your personal Paypal account information. The buyer pays Paypal, Paypal pays you. There's little risk. If anybody gets ripped-off, it will be Paypal and then it's between Paypal and the buyer, not you.
If you still have any concerns, contact Paypal.

Do you know the meaning of SCAM?