Nikon SLR Cameras

Are there more Canon users than Nikon users?


In my area, northeast Ohio, there certainly seems to be. I know several photographers around here and they all shoot with Canon

i know, i know, "several" isn't a huge swath of the public, but it seems my Nikonian self is outnumbered lol


In my network of photographers it's mostly Nikon shooters, myself included. Offhand I can only think of about three or four Canon shooters.

From a blogging standpoint (since I'm a blogger), most of the ones I know are either point and shoot users or, if they use a DSLR, are Canon shooters. I haven't come across too many bloggers who shoot with a Nikon.


From my own personal experience, I've found more Nikon gear users but, then again, it may be that because I use Nikon, I notice Nikon users. An attorney I worked with, a couple of retired cops, my brother-in-law and his childhood friends, my nephew in the Caribbean (he's an MD so he can afford the best quality gear, as he says), my close friend from Virginia (I'm in NYC), a couple of bus operators I know… But, as I said, it MAY be that because I use Nikon gear my mind forces me to notice other Nikon users. I suspect the same goes with Canon gear users. Bottom line is, both camera brands produce great cameras and lenses, and both are also into other technologies… Canon is know for photocopiers and similar devices, while Nikon also produces great microscope and lenses for these plus other science and medical lab equipment (Nikon is now into manufacturing top quality eye glasses, too, same as the Zeiss company)