Nikon SLR Cameras

Are my photos any good? - 1



13 years old, aspiring photographer. I usually take pictures with my Nikon and filter it with Instagram… I know that I'm nowhere near professional level (and that Instagram isn't exactly known as an app for pros) but I'd love to hear feedback and critique so that I can improve.

Added (1). @Angela: Thank you for the feedback! You're right about my needing actual filters. I'm not entirely sure how or what program to use, however, but I'll try not to rely on Instagram so much.

Added (2). @fhotoace: Thank you for providing the link, I'll try to incorporate what I can understand into my photos.


I'm no pro either, but these look great!
maybe focus less on the instagram, i find that instagram is far inferior to actual filters and such.
just keep shooting and i'm sure you will keep getting better!


They are typical snapshots.

You need to spend some time on this website to learn how to compose more compelling shots and stop depending upon post production to make your images into something.


They are nice pics and i'm sure that you'll be a great photographer one day.
they are really nice and you seem to be a creative person.

Bob B
Bob B

One element I think is consistent in your photos is shooting in close to your subject. I generally like photos that are shot close to the subject. There's less distraction in the photo. So I think your photos are very good. The important thing is to keep taking photos.