Nikon SLR Cameras

A good camera for photography?

BoB Sir Dylan
BoB Sir Dylan

I need to buy a good quality camera for photography to take pictures for Architecture. I need to do this soon. Anyone know any good ones and I'm a complete begginer with cameras, I have NO idea? I've heard of Nikon and Casio… But I need one that isn't too expensive (less than £200) and will be able to take very high quality photo's.
{I need to make an art portfolio and take alot of photo's of buildings}
*thanks in advance*


On a budget as low as that, you are looking for a point and shoot, or a bridge camera.

Check out, I've set up the search for you:

Make sure it has a wide angle setting, you'll need that to take photos of buildings, especially interiors. The wider it goes the better.


With that budget you couldn't afford a decent lens let alone the camera but consider the Nikon P500.It's quite capable of incredible photographs on a budget.

you can view some sample photos here:


Get the most expensive Sony Cybershot you can afford, preferably one that has panorama mode.


Canon cameras are about the best you can get. You can get one of their digital compacts for less that £200.

However, if you need "serious" architectural photographs (ie: for selling or publication) you will not get professional results from any camera in that price range. When taking shots of high buildings, you will find that the vertical lines will converge and can sometimes look as if the building is leaning.
To eliminate this effect, you would need a DSLR camera with a Shift lens which will make the vertical lines look straight. But, you are talking about many hundreds of pounds, I'm afraid.


You could also see if you know any amateur photographers. They could be very happy to do this for you cheap or even free.


Get the most expensive Sony Cybershot you can afford