Nikon SLR Cameras

What is the SLR on the cover of National Geographic Complete photography?


Google search the book. There's a silver SLR that looks like a Nikon on the cover.


It does not look like any Nikon I have seen, but there have been many different Nikon 35 mm SLR's and now Nikon dSLR cameras.

Is there a burning reason for knowing this?

Until about 1990, most editorial photographers used Nikon camera systems. Now there's about an equal balance of Canon EOS systems and Nikon systems with the occasional Sony, Pentax and Olympus systems showing up from time to time


It looks like the Canon Rebel XT.
&w=450&h=484&ei=jYbkUMLsHYbgiAKy0YDQDg&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=322&vpy=541&dur=5834&hovh=233&hovw=216&tx=90&ty=189&sig=107617105150593664604&page=1&tbnh=151&tbnw=140&start=0&ndsp=46&ved=1t:429, r:29, s:0, i:251

It is definitely a Canon, from the lens, and the size is right for a Rebel.