Nikon SLR Cameras

What is the min.time between two consecutive shots of Nikon D3200?


Hi. I'm going to buy a Nikon D3200 tomorrow. I need one last information before buying that. What is the minimum it takes to capture the next image after shooting one. In which mode do I get this time the least?


It gets a max of about 4fps, so 1/4sec

From the link

"Manual focus, mode M or S, shutter speed 1/250 s or faster, and other settings at default values."


While it can take 4 fps in continuous mode, it will quickly fill the buffer and slow down. How soon it slows down depends on several things, such as the size of the picture and the class of the SD card. A more practical answer is that you can click the shutter about as fast as you want, say about once a second.