Nikon SLR Cameras

What Flash Gun to get for Nikon D3100?

Daniel Woodward
Daniel Woodward

I'm looking to buy a fairly cheap flash gun for my Nikon D3100. I'm looking at the Jessops 360AFD
I'm just wondering if anyone has any advice with that model or could recommend any others


Try the yognuo brand on amazon they are only 60 bucks good price and fairly reliable. Not like a nikon speedlight though

deep blue2
deep blue2

It's ok - it's got manually adjustable power levels down to 1/16 plus TTL (auto flash metering).

I use Yongnuo YN560 flashes - about £50.It's a manual flash only though (no TTL). Has power settings down to 1/128.

You might also want to think about some radio triggers (RF602's - £20) to fire the flash off camera - better for control of lighting direction and quality.