Nikon SLR Cameras

I'm having dvd computer burning problems?


I'm using windows 7 i want to burn some videos the videos were shot with my nikon D3100 camera and when i want to add them to windows dvd maker it sas: 0files wrre added the file bla bla bla (the files name ) is not supported file type and it can't be imported:
I wanna know if its the dvd maker or the cd or the video or what please help


It's windows dvd maker it sas: Zero (0) files were added. Because not supported file type. Since it's a Nikon camera, they, Nikon must have a free download program to do what you want.

Raheme (Awesome 1
Raheme (Awesome 1

The dvd maker that comes with windows sucks! I tell you from experince. Its completely the Dvd maker with windows it aint your's a dvd maker that i personaly used. Its a completely free on the link below (virus free). Then download and install it and, you can burn your dvd's properly now. Hope that i helped. (


Windows dvd maker supports WMV and AVI videos, please make sure your camera videos are compatible with it. Or you may try convertxtodvd, I always use it to burn video to DVD, it's better than windows dvd maker. And here is a step by step guide about how to use it to burn DVD.